1. Parents or guardians purchase and download a Meerkat Village app subscription through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. After email verification, create a village for your child.
  3. Invite other villagers who support your child.  Villagers can be therapists, teachers, childcare providers, doctors, specialists, extended family, clergy, coaches, or other adults involved in a child's life.
  4. Welcome your child’s village using the Team Table and begin communicating.  You can propose action plans and strategies (Do) and collect data on your child’s progress (Track).

You can view and download the Getting Started info sheet here.

If you are a parent or guardian and want information about Meerkat Village to share with others, you can view and download the Meerkat Village info sheet in the link here.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us with any questions at team@meerkatvillage.com